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Fed Up in RI is a small (but growing) core group of fed up constitutionalists, who believe that our present governments are acting unconstitutionally; in violation of the Public Trust that has been placed with them; and in complete disregard of the responsibility for our happiness that they voluntarily sought to caretake when they ran for election;  asked for our vote; and agreed to provide when they swore their oaths and accepted the office.


We believe that our governments - municipal, state and Federal - are morally bankrupt; corrupt from the very top to the very bottom; and that they have forgotten they were created BY US (the People) to SERVE US and not we to serve them.


We intend to show them – and you - that things are about to change here in Rhode Island. We intend to do this dramatically and publicly so that the Machine will no longer be looked upon as something to fear and avoid defying.



"The Power and Corruption Machine has made Rhode Island near the top of every list that you don't want to be on top of (ie:  unemployment,  taxes, etc. etc.) and  near  the bottom  of  all  the lists  that  you don't  want  to be last in,  (ie:  worst roads and bridges,  least business friendly, worst State to retire in, 

etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.")



In the first 6 months of Fed Up in RI's existence, we provided a practical and simple plan that Rhode Island could have implemented in this past election which would have brought the machine to its knees and the Rhode Island Government back to the People. For those who are just learning of Fed Up in RI for the first time, I'll recount our recommendations for you:


  • Actively seek out and encourage honest, morally endowed constitutionalist candidates to oppose all corrupt Machine directed politicians in the 2014 election for the House of Representatives; because all you need to take over the entire State is control of the the House of Representatives.  Just 38 seats and you will, in effect, have taken control over everything that will happen in this State. In this past election, although some good candidates declared, there were far too many unopposed encumbents.


  • Get every person, or as many as possible in the State of Rhode Island  eligible to vote to actually register to vote and then, make sure that they vote in the election, because those of us who have given up on voting are already members of the majority and we can elect anyone that we so choose to whatever office we so choose.  The numbers for this election again bear witness to this truth with just 45% of those eligible to vote actually voting, and our Governor, Gina Raimondo, only receiving 42% of that 45% minority, or less than 19% of the total eligible vote. 


  • Make sure that at least 38 of these candidates get elected in the Rhode Island House of Representatives so that they can rip the power away from the Machine by electing their own Speaker of the House.


All of these recommendations were made by Fed Up in RI with the idea of empowering individuals, and other organizations, to not only recognize the common sense merits of what we had laid out, but to take the lead in actually stepping forward and implementing them. It was a test of sorts to see whether there was already in Rhode Island someone or something to fill the role we intended to occupy; and we found there wasn't, and still isn't.  We are however, very proud of the organization we founded during our hiatus (RI 4 Healey) which managed and promoted Bob Healey for a 3rd party candidacy for Governor and the 22% of the vote our collective efforts helped him to garner.


So, Fed Up in RI intends to show that there is nothing to fear from the Machine when light illuminates their lies, secrets and silence.


Thomas Jefferson once warned us that "The price of Freedom would be eternal vigilance." We have not heeded his warning and we have dearly paid the price, and it is set up so that our children and our children's children will even more dearly pay the price.

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